November 16, 2011

The Fanciful Fan

Small or large

Fold-able or not





The history of fans can be barely traced. Some say they originated in Ancient Egypt, some say China or Ancient Greece. But it doesn't matter, because they were an adored attribute.  In the 17th century fans were introduced to Europe from Eastern Asia. The fashion craze spread like a wild fire. In the beginning the accessory was only maintained by elite or wealthy. But eventually even the middle class started using them, it became a necessity to possess your own fan. They were used to help keep cool in the heat, protect yourself from the sun light and/or receive a safe-guard from the fire in the fire place. Fans were also used to write secret messages to dear friends or admirers.

Even Fan Languages were created to communicate to lovers or acquaintances. Through gestures of the fan individuals would have the chance to flirt secretly and communicate non-verbally.

    • Resting the fan on the right cheek meant "yes" and left cheek "no"
    • Twirling a fan in the left hand meant "I wish to be rid of you" and the right hand meant "I love another"
    • A fan held on the left ear signified "you have changed"
    • Pulling a fan across the forehead meant "we are watched", across the eyes meant "I am sorry"
    • A wide open fan meant "wait for me"
    • Dropping a fan meant "we could be friends"
    • Fast fanning meant "I am married"
    • Swift pulling of a fan through the hand meant "I hate you"
    • Placing the handle of a fan to the lips meant "kiss me" 
    Here are some of Marie Antoinettes Fans!

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